Monday, April 4, 2011

Yummy *Chocolate* Green Monster

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make the "Green Monster" over the weekend, but I was able to this morning. And let me tell you... IT IS SO GOOOD!! Don't let the color of it discourage you from making it. You can't taste the spinach at all. It's delicious and filling. I added a 1/2 scoop of Amazing Grass Amazing Chocolate Meal to it for a little extra protein and it has a light chocolate taste. Yuuummm! It perked me right up this morning! Exactly what I needed. =)

Here's the Green Monster recipe as depicted from Angela's Oh She Glows blog.
**(In bold is what I added to the Green Monster, really not much of a difference.)

Classic Green Monster

Yield: 1 serving/2 cups

1 cup almond milk, or milk of choice
1 ripe banana, preferably peeled + frozen
2 handfuls organic spinach
1 tbsp chia seeds OR 1 tbsp ground flax
1 tbsp nut butter (I used creamy unsalted almond butter)
1-3 Ice cubes
1/2 scoop of Amazing Grass Amazing Meal Chocolate

Directions: Starting with the liquid, add in 1 cup of milk of your choice. Now add in the chia or flax and nut butter. Next, add in the spinach followed by the banana on top. Blend until smooth. Add in your ice cubes and blend some more. Serves 1- about 2 cups.

*In my Green Monster I used Almond milk, creamy unsalted almond butter, chocolate Amazing Meal, ground flax, spinach, and a banana. (I forgot the ice, oops!)

*Added the powders and the almond butter first.

*Then the spinach, banana and vanilla almond milk. (Milk not shown, oh and I forgot to add the ice cubes, but it still came out fine!)

*Blended all up and it looks like this!

 I then headed to campus feeling awake and energized! This kept me full till lunchtime around 12:30, which consisted of a small bowl of quinoa with raw almonds and a light drizzle of balsamic vinaigrette. I got my 40 minute elliptical cardio workout in today along with some core and strength training.

It's been an overall great Monday!

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