Friday, April 8, 2011

Banana Paleo Pancakes

Happy Friday!! The weekend is finally here and I couldn't be happier!

This morning I thought I'd try making something new. Banana Paleo Pancakes. I came across this recipe on Mark's Daily Apple. They looked super yummy and extremely easy to make. All you need are ripe banana's, almond butter and eggs. The recipe makes about 4 medium sized pancakes and they are absolutely delicious! Tastes exactly like banana bread but in pancake form.

I don't have any step by step pictures this time. I left my camera upstairs and didn't feel like running back up to get it. Lazy, I know.

I started by peeling the 2 bananas and breaking them into pieces to make it easier to mash them up. The bananas are easier to mash up if they are pretty ripe. Once they were all mashed up, I added the egg and milk and combined them all together. Next I added the almond butter and mixed. On the stove I added a small amount of butter to a pan and poured the batter into small cakes. Cook like you would with regular pancakes. My batch made 4 pancakes, I ate only two. And those two filled me up! Super yummy!

For lunch I whipped up a berry protein shake since I wasn't super hungry. The berry shake consisted of a handful of blueberries, handful of spinach, 1/2 scoop of Amazing Grass Amazing Chocolate Meal, and about a cup of almond milk. I poured half of it into a glass and saved the other half for after my work out. It made enough for a pre and post-workout shake.

Banana Paleo Pancakes

2 bananas
1 tbs. almond butter
1 egg
~ 1 tbs. of almond milk (Optional. I used about a tablespoon just to make them a little more moist.)

In a bowl mash the two bananas, add the egg and mix well. Then add the almond butter and combine. Add more almond butter if you want a more pancake like texture. Warm some butter in a pan and pour the batter into small cakes. Brown on both side and serve warm. Enjoy!

I added some blueberries and drizzled a little almond butter on top.

Protein Berry Shake

Handful of blueberries (~1/2 cup)
Handful of spinach
1/2 scoop Amazing Grass Amazing Chocolate Meal
~1 cup Almond Milk
1-2 ice cubes.

In a blender add the milk and powders first. Then to it add the blueberries and spinach. Blend it all up to the consistency you like. Add in the ice cubes and blend again. Once everything is blended thoroughly pour into a glass and enjoy!

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