Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Just one of those days

Today's been a little bit of an off day for me. Not sure why, but just has been.

Started out my early morning, 6 a.m., with a slice of whole grain flax seed toast with almond butter with a steaming cup of green tea. Got ready for class and headed out the door a little after 7 to make it to my 8 a.m. psychology class. Came home around noon and whipped up a Green Monster. Super yummy! Gave me that pick me up I needed, but still was in a weird mood.

Pretty picture I took while on my way home from class.

Finished that up and headed to the gym. Got a killlller workout in today! 4 miles on the elliptical and worked on my arms, legs, core and abs. I'll definitely be feeling my workout tomorrow.

Cooking dinner in a few, not sure what yet. I do have some left over quinoa, so probably something with that! Ooo and maybe I'll even treat myself to a much needed glass of wine!

xoxo Jen

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