Sunday, March 20, 2011

Yummy breakfast: Easy Vegan Overnight Oats

Has anyone ever heard of 'Overnight Oats'? I never had until I came across a blog called ( This is one of my favorite breakfasts to have in the morning. I absolutely love it, I eat it almost every morning! It fills me up and keeps me going! I've changed it up a little bit when I make it; I don't add the vanilla extract and instead of chia seeds, I use ground flax seed. Chia seeds are perfectly fine, I just prefer the ground flax. I also don't add the banana, instead, in the morning after the overnight oats have sat in the fridge overnight (hence the name), I add blueberries.

Here's the recipe as it appears on the website.
(What's listed in bold type are the things I changed or added)

Easy Vegan Overnight Oats

PM Ingredients:

•1/3 cup regular oats
•3/4 cup almond milk **(I use the sweetened vanilla almond milk as opposed to the unsweetened kind. Reason why I don't use the vanilla exact.)
•2 tablespoons chia seeds
•1 tiny ripe banana, peeled and smashed
•1/4 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Directions: Mix together the above ingredients in a bowl, cover with plastic wrap and place in fridge overnight.

Here are my AM ingredients: toppings of your choice. (if you want) I usually do:
•One spoonful of almond butter or peanut butter. (Sometimes, depends on if I'm in the mood for it =) )
•A squeeze of honey.

I also put the overnight oats in the microwave for about a minute to warm it up and to heat the almond butter or peanut butter to make it easier to mix. I add the honey after, along with the blueberries.

You can add what ever ingredients you like to the overnight oats. I usually do the oats, vanilla almond milk and let it sit overnight in the refrigerator. Then in the AM I add the ground flax and almond butter, heat in microwave for a 1 min, mix it up and add the honey and blueberries. =)

Enjoy! <3

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