Friday, May 20, 2011

End Of The World As We Know It

It's the end of the world as we know it... (Are you humming that song now?? I know I am)
But I'll get back to that in a minute...

Friday morning started out like any other morning....

With some overnight oats!!


With chopped up green apples!

Yup, this bowl made me very happy this morning and satisfyingly fullfilling.

Green Apple Blended Overnight Oats

  • 1/4 cup oats (Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Oats)
  • 1/2 cup Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
  • 1 tbs. almond butter
  • 1 tbs. ground flax
  • 1/2 a green apple, cut up into pieces
  • A drizzle of agave or honey 

Night before, in a blender cup add the oats and milk. Cover and refrigerate over night. Next morning, remove from refrigerator, add in the almond butter and blend up. If it's too thick add a little more almond milk. Pour into a bowl and top with the green apples, ground flax and honey or agave.

I had the remaining ChickPea soup that I made the night before for lunch today. It tasted even better the next day!

Tomorrow morning my family is having a garage sale... part of our garage is full of the items that we are selling. I am hoping to come up on some money selling some clothes that I never wear anymore, shoes, purses and other miscellaneous items.

Oh, and supposedly tomorrow is the end of the world as we know it. I guess tonight I should partake in some End Of the World celebration! 

In all honestly, I don't see it happening. There are way too many gullible people in this world of ours. Horrible, natural disasters can happen at any time, on any day of any week, month, or year. And if the world does end tomorrow, then I guess you all can tell me, "I told you so..."

But then again, I guess no one would be able to if the world ended tomorrow.

I keep saying it's going to be a zombie apocalypse!


Zombies for Halloween in 2010

 So, I'll end my blog with this food for thought: We aren't guaranteed a tomorrow; so live your  life to it's fullest and have no regrets. Quit living in the past and referring back to it. It's called the PAST for a reason. Work towards your goals and live for yourself. Live in the here and now! Love the people who love you and whom you love. Don't worry about what other people think about you, because chances are they are worried about and thinking the same exact thing.  And laugh and smile at every possible moment!

Hope everyone has a great evening!

XO Jen

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