Don't get me wrong I think it's great that the Republicans have chosen to elevate a woman to this level, vice president. It would be awesome to see woman of all parties included in politics. So hats off to Palin for that. But some of Palin's political views suck!!
First of all Palin has terrible views on environmental issues. As the Governor of Alaska she promoted oil and natural gas resource development which included opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling. She also gave the OK for Chevron to dump more toxic oil and gas waste into Cook Inlet waters where the Cook Inlet beluga whale presides, which is almost an endangered species.
As someone who has a soft spot for all animals there is no way in hell I'd vote for McCain-Palin. Here are a few more reasons why. Keep on reading if you can handle it.
Sarah Palin is also against marriage equality and is for a federal gay-marriage ban. I, for one, am for equal rights for gays and lesbians. Everyone should be treated with equality despite your sexual orientation and should be allowed to get married.
She is also pro-life. Now don't get me wrong, that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's her choice, but she is opposed to abortion in any and all cases. This includes if a woman has been raped and incest. I'm sorry but if a woman or girl for that matter has been raped or incest she should have the right to decide to get an abortion or not. It shouldn't be any one elses decision what someone can and can not do. No matter what the case is.
So in my opinion I really don't want someone like this in the help of running our country with these kind of political views.
Hi Honey!! I didnt know you had a blog!! I am Anti-Palin as well, any man/woman that decides to create 5 children including one that has down syndrome need to be home taking care of those 5 children!! How irresponsible..
Also agree, every woman should have the right to choose what happens to their own body. Makes me sick to think that rape victims would not have that choice.
We also have a blog
Talk to you soon!!
I couldn't agree more with you!!
I couldn't agree more with you!!
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