Sunday, August 24, 2008

::It shouldn't be about RACE::

I came up with this a while ago and thought I would share my P.O.V about this.

I hope no one takes offense to this but this is my opinion of this topic.

What race or ethnicity you are shouldn't matter. It really shouldn't make a difference. Yes a person's race is a part of who they are and makes up their cosmetic makeup; what that person looks like on the outside. But it doesn't necessarily define WHO they are. A person's race/ethnicity can determine their beliefs and outlooks, also their religious views but ultimately what it comes down to is that a person defines who they are. YOU define who you are.

You as a person make you who you are. By your up bringing, the experiences you face, the things you learn, the life lessons. Your race or ethnicity doesn't ultimately make you who you are. YOU make you who you are. Growing up bi-racial I had difficulties labeling myself a certain ethnicity, trying to figure out who I am and trying to fit in. But as I got older I realized it shouldn't be about what race I am. It's about WHO I am, how I present myself, not my race. I am Chinese, Portuguese and German and of course my ethnicities play apart in who I am and believe but not necessarily defines me as a whole. I hate how people make judgments or stereotypes based on someone's race or a race of people. Every one of us is guilty of this. I won't deny it, I'm guilty of this. But it shouldn't be all about race. It should be about WHO the person is and how they present themselves.

We as people need to wake up and look beyond that! Look beyond race and not stereotype or judge someone because of what they look like. This also goes for what you hear about a person. Some people need to look past that and I find it sad that in this day in age and here in United States, where the culture and ethnicities are so diverse, that some people just can't seem to. This has been an issue that has been around for hundred of years, but you would think that in this century people would be more open minded instead of so close minded. It's sad that every race gets judge and stereotyped. When will this stop? That is the big question here....

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