My protein powder and fiber arrived in the mail today and it just made me even more excited to get this cleanse started!
This detox cleanse consists of a shake a day, plus the fiber which is easy to incorporate into the shake since it's powder. The cleanse is based on the Paleo diet, and I pretty much follow that now as it is. Also, no soy, no dairy or gluten. I won't have to change up my diet much since I already don't do soy, dairy (I'm slightly lactose), but I do incorporate a little gluten in my diet so that might be a little tough. Of course exercise and since I'm a gym bunny anyways that won't be tough at all. Oooh and did I mention cutting back on alcohol or cutting it out completely during the cleanse? Yup. This might be a toughie... I'm a social drinker when I go out and enjoy a couple drinks. Plus I do enjoy my glass of wine here and there too!
I am super excited to start May 1st! It can't come soon enough!
I already tested out Arbonne's vanilla protein powder and it tastes good!
Banana Plum Shake
Half a banana
3 dried pitted plums
1 scoop Arbonne Vanilla Protein Powder
1 Scoop Arbonne Fiber
~about 1 cup vanilla almond milk
In a blender add the vanilla almond milk then the powders. Next add the dried plums and half the banana. Blend up until everything is incorporated and blended all together, pour into a glass and enjoy!
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