By me:
No one can TRULY control their future, it's just something that happens. It happens while you sleep, breathe, it develops each day you live, each day you wake up. It's the outcomes of your decisions, actions, goals and the goals that are met, these are the things you can control. I have learned that there are certain things I have no control over, I just have to live day by day and to take everything day by day. I refuse to make a promise that I don't know I can keep. I refuse to put myself in a situation that does not feel right and I will always listen to my gut instinct. I will live day by day and be nothing more than absolutely happy. A minute you spend unhappy is a minute you won't get back.
Don't let the little things get to you, it's not worth it. Life's about living and living it to the fullest. Don't let ANYONE sacrifice your happiness. Because in the end it won't be worth it. Everyone deserves to be happy and to enjoy THEIR life as they see fit. There will always be things that one must work on to better them selves and to change, but NO OTHER person can change another person to how they want them.
My favorite quote that sums it all up: "Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but by how we react to what happens, not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results."
XO Jen