While sitting here in Tully's I am watching all the different people walk in and out. I'm having some time to myself where I won't necessarily be bothered. I start to really think about my life and what I won't put up with anymore. I believe that by me just putting up with peoples horrible attitudes, the way they decide to treat me, and not speaking up, I am giving them permission to treat me that way. I sit here in complete shock to think that I am allowing people to treat me this way only because that is so unlike me to not speak up for myself and tell certain people to knock it off. I guess I am afraid to loose a friendship with these few people. But if they are a good or true friend one- they won't get offended or too mad and two- they shouldn't be treating me this way. The last point is the biggest one.
I am not one to judge my friends actions or decisions. I am one who does not like that, so why would I do it to my friends? I am here to support them in whatever decisions or actions they choose to do. I can only be a good friend to them and give whatever support and advice I am capable of.
I am fortunate enough to have some amazing friends in my life (new and old) who are so understanding and have allowed me to just be myself and accept me that way. They have been especially supportive the last couple months while I am going through some hard times while I rediscover myself again. The ones who can not and decide to pass off judgment based off MY decisions and not accept me for me are not the type of friends or people I want in my life.